Sunday, June 19, 2011

A disturbing lack of strangeness

A while ago I started a personal sub-journal a while ago that I called the "strangelog" where I intended to note anything weird or unusual that happened to me, or that I heard about. Like most of my well-intentioned journals, it mostly collected dust after the first few entries.

Lately my life seems to be rather devoid of weirdness.

Yesterday, Clarence Clemons died. He was the saxophonist for the Bruce Springsteen band. I didn't know who he was until recently, when he performed the sax solo on Lady Gaga's "Edge of Glory". The video, featuring Clarence, came out on Thursday, and he died on Saturday. Pretty ironic that the last song he worked on was a song about the moment before death.

I believe my car is haunted by the vehicle curse that seems to have been following me around for 10 years or so. Every car I've ever had has had two issues: tire problems and mysterious front end noises. My latest car has the same problems. The tire pressure issued resurfaced today on the highway, and the light refuses to go out even after filling the tires.

Lately I've been mostly obsessed with my own health, which is an incredibly boring topic. Except for an anxiety-filled evening of reading webMD to such an extent that I freaked myself out into thinking I've got some Transformers version of Lyme disease, Epstein-Barr virus, pancreatic cancer and thyroid trouble all rolled together with a dash of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The weekend is over once again. Didn't it just start? I always envision getting all this stuff done, and it never happens. I'd have so much more time to do stuff if I just didn't have a job.

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