Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I curse thee, microscopic enemies

I am sick. I caught a gross cold. My throat is on fire. I hate sore throats with a passion. I can endure the congestion and the runny nose and the coughing, but a sore throat is the worst. You can't escape it. You can't do much about it. Every "remedy" brings only very temporary relief. For example, you stop feeling better once the ice cream is gone.

This is not the greatest start to June 2011, which is supposed to be my "Summer of Excellence." I plan to do a lot of things:

1. Ride (the horse I am leasing)
2. Get really fit (running every day) and lose 15 lbs
3. Make money and actually save it (by being frugal and also selling junk, of which I have a lot)
4. Finish my writing project
5. Do some fun stuff, like visiting some new amusements parks, hiking trails, maybe even start a band with the girls

I am not exactly happy that I am sick but I am grateful that it is just a cold and not something worse like a stomach bug. I am grateful that a lot of things in my life are going well and that I have a wonderful fiance who has taken very good care of me while I'm under the weather, and in fact, all the time.

Even so, I can't help picturing the little bugs having a party inside me right now. I did not give permission for my upper respiratory tract to host a rave of germs, and I feel intruded upon. I am giving the green light to my immune system to wage all-out war against the trespassers.

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